The Grogginess of Healing

The wonders of medicine in today’s world is amazing. We now have out-patient surgery that get us home to heal which is such a better place if possible. But during that healing, certain precautions need to be made to make sure we don’t do harm to our self or undo the procedure we have gone through. There enters the dreaded pain meds. Not only do they make us groggy, they keep us somewhat immobile with extra sleeping, that gets old.

Don’t get me started on child proof caps!

I also understand the importance of these meds due to my stubborn nature – “Oh, I am ok, I can do that…not”? Uh huh. Stubborn. That’s me. My daughter told me I invented the word.

So we are in healing mode between the bed, the couch and the bathroom and of course the kitchen. I don’t think I have ever been too hurt to eat – probably why I have a high BMI. But its all good, one foot is ready and doing well and the other is starting the healing process.

Feet are kinda ugly aren’t they

You would think I would be feeling the same since it was basically the same surgery but no its been different. But healing all the same. Go back to Dr. tomorrow for x-rays to make sure bones are knitting correctly but as well as I did last time, we should all be good.

This has been an informative One Liner Wednesday post tagged in with Linda G Hill combined in with humor so come join in on the fun.

As I close in a note of a more serious nature, I again remind everyone of the beauty of kindness. Kindness is a reflection of God’s love that even in its smallest gesture brings a profound result of goodness and joy.


6 thoughts on “The Grogginess of Healing

  1. Child proof lids are only difficult for adults! Ugh!!! BTW, I can turn my lid upside down and screw it on that way and it’s not child proof. Does yours do the same thing? FYI, I laughed out loud on your comment about feet being ugly and yeppers, I agree!! Still, thanks for the unexpected LOL moment!


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