Gentle Words vs. Flaming Tongue

It’s that time of year where those who are not that fond of the holidays recognize the kindness push factor of the holidays. Even Charles Dickens wrote a story of flaming tongue vs gentle words with Ebeneezer Scrooge, with the moral of the story showing the value of kindness being much more valuable to the heart than the non-value of a flaming tongue.

James 3

The bible has only a few sections that warn of the wicked or meanness of the tongue yet the teachings of love and kindness filter all through the scriptures in some form. Galatians 5 is an example as it list the fruits of the spirit – love, joy kindness…etc. We have to be taught how to be kind. What?? Yes we all have a mean streak that has to be tamed.

Cecilia Bacon post today speaks very much on this along line with a “cause/effect” disclaimer of biblical teachings. A lot of us in my generation(baby-boomers) were taught a principle of common decency with scriptural truths called “The Golden Rule”. I remember it being printed on the school rulers we were given. The Golden Rules states – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Do you want people being mean to you? Then cause effect of that tells us we shouldn’t be mean or others will be mean to us!! It’s how it works. Have you watched  children play and how some can be selfish and down right mean. If this behavior is not checked, it grows. Seen kids in middle school as they try to learn who they are. Wow.

James chapter 3:1-12 speaks profoundly about the wickedness of the tongue. How it is like a horse unbridled running a muck or the tiny spark of fire from the tongue can burn down an entire forest.  3:10 says – Out of the same mouth come praises and curses. The tongue is a part of the body that must be tamed and we generally don’t understand it’s power or pain until we have been consumed by the fire of someone’s spark.


Words are powerful and the actions that can go along with these words only increase their value – either good or bad.

We must learn to be kind, gentle, good, peaceful…etc. Due to situations in our life those things may not be taught to us and we may have no clue how to use the gentle side of God. But if you will just scratch the surface if the scriptures – that is what they breathe with every word. Love…for God is Love.

The quickness way to diffuse someone who is being unkind to you is to be kind to them. They don’t know what to do with it. But I promise, they will be watching you. They want what you have, they just don’t know it or know what it is.

Jesus was constantly taunted by the teachers of the Law because they didn’t understand Him. Deep down I think they knew who He was but they feared He was going to take away their life style. And that was not acceptable. But people who were hungry for His gentle nature and followed Him, learned from Him and taught others His ways. His ways are love.

So I challenge you who may not really understand kindness, gentleness, basic love and compassion to look for it. Its strong this time of year. Get infected with it. Its a sickness that can spread with the softest touch and can lighten the darkest mood. Let the light of Jesus shine through you and He will lift you from the deepest pit.

Remember that Jesus said “whoever does these small kind things to the least of these are doing it to me.”  Let Jesus feel you hear you gentle words this season and feel the kindness only you can share.

13 thoughts on “Gentle Words vs. Flaming Tongue

  1. Thank you for this inspiring post as we enter the holiday season.
    Kind words can make all the difference in lifting up someone’s spirits or crushing it. Words have power. Toby Mac’s song “Speak Life” is one of my favorites. This is something I’m constantly working on. Little kids can drive your patience to the max, and constantly repeating myself turns into a yell. Yikes, God gives us children to build parent’s character and teach patience. Not easy to learn!! Thank goodness God is patient with us.

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    1. I remember standing in my kitchen when my oldest was 3 praying for patience. I turned around and he was sitting on the dining room table pouring the sugar bowl into a pile in the middle of the table. Our children are a challenge but how empty we would be without them.


      1. I wholeheartedly agree! Children bring so much joy and a whole lot of messiness too. But we love them just the same.
        Your story is spot on. My goodness, the things they do. It’s not out of spite but curiosity. One time little sister had paint all over her hair. Her brother wanted to squeeze paint on her. oyyyy!!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words. It really is from the heart as I have been on the receiving side of meanness for a lot of my life. Had it not been for Jesus, well..probably would not be telling others to be kind.

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