Picture it…

Picture a favorite beach scene. You are sitting relaxed in the loose sand dunes just above the beach. The sun has warmed the sand and it tickles as it shifts through your toes. The sound of the turf is melodic as it pounds on the beach. The seagulls are calling each other as they slowly fly through the gentle breeze, that same breeze that brushes across your face. You inhale and you can almost taste the salt of the warm sea air that you are smelling.

Can you picture it?

Not big on the beach? Then picture the soft tranquility of a mountain stream. You are sitting on a felled tree that is now becoming a bench for anyone on the trail. The stream beside you is bubbling along the rocks as it heads though the forest to the nearest river. The clean air is as refreshing and clear as the water in the stream is cold to the taste. In front of you off in the distance are the mountains, maybe their tops are dusted with snow. The sweet smell of the evergreens is pungent and reminds you of Christmas. Over head a lone eagle floats with little movement as he soars of the updrafts.

mtn stream
Can you picture it?

Maybe you are not a nature lover? Maybe your enjoyment comes with an evening of dinner and beautiful music at an outdoor park. The smells of various foods wafting in the air mixed with warm summer night as the stars slowly begin to show their presence. Soft conversations with strangers around you creates friendships of similar interest. The orchestra or band is warming up their instruments for a night of expected pleasures.

food & music
Can you picture it?

Then picture this…..


You are sitting in a dark room.

There is no sound because you are deaf…

There is nothing to see because you are blind…

There is little to smell if anything because you have no reference to what smell is…

There is little to touch as your body has no sense of feel due to being paralyzed.

Senses…Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste & Touch…Gifts from God for us to enjoy His mighty creation. If all of your sense are working, praise God and enjoy these gifts. If you know those who are missing one or more of these senses, then share with them the beauty of what they don’t have so that through the senses that they do have working, they can get a glimpse of its beauty.

And remember as you enjoy your gifts, to share the joy that they bring you with others in hopes they may understand the beauty of it and share it themselves with others. And always remember to be kind. Kindness is enveloped in all of there gifts.



13 thoughts on “Picture it…

  1. Thank you for sharing this perspective, Anita. You’re right, we should be thankful for all our senses that are working or not working as well as they once did. Glad you’re gnat bite is better. Those pesky little things are nasty! Sorry, I just can’t be nice to them…! 😉


      1. Its all this rain and standing water for here anyway. Still in flood stage. Although yesterday I could see the top of the chairs at the riverside park poking their backs up through the water so its beginning to go down. Still over 18 feet. A year to remember for sure.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, Anita! Such a well-written and thought provoking post. Thank you for making me think about the senses that I enjoy every single day. ❤️


    1. Sometimes things just slap you in the face…literally. I got gnat attacked and had one eye swollen shut. Gives you a real different perspective. OK now. Went to Dr on Monday. it wasn’t pretty. Got on steroids. Life goes on,


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