Funny animals

I don’t care what anyone say, animals have personalities and are funny. There are even websites dedicates to pictures of animals doing funny things. And now there is a TV show about animals doing funny things. I think we humans think animals are funny because we try to relate to them in a human manner. I laugh at the picture below because it reminds me of what my brother said in the caption to me all the time when growing up. He was not allowed to tell me to shut-up.

“Your mouth is open. Close it.”

Going to work this morning I had to laugh at what I saw. I could not stop to take a picture as I was on the bridge going over the Mississippi with morning traffic and rain. Yes more rain. Sometimes you get to the point where you laugh about the continuing mess as long as no one is getting hurt. We have been very fortunate in that from this continuance of this mess. But humor is where we are with the ridiculousness of this current flood – since mid March. The river is finally coming down and around the ball field there is a lower walkway with a chain link fence on the river side. The fence is your standard 4 foot high which stands another 2 feet above the river, 6 feet of water height where water should not be. That fence is just now beginning to show. Today the top rail was about 1/2 exposed, enough for the ducks trying to line up and sit on it. The current is still very swift so you got about 8 ducks in a row trying to sit on a rail as the current rips by them periodically pulling them back into the river. I chuckled the rest of the way to work. Animals doing funny things.

Thank you to all the photographers in the world that capture life’s funny moments that makes us all smile. And remember smiling is infectious. If you smile at someone, it forces them to smile back. So smile often and always be kind.

kind smile

7 thoughts on “Funny animals

  1. Your relentless rain and water are finally going down?! This year’s weather is crazy. I’m smiling, though, the pictures you chose are great for triggering smiles. And your comment about your brother…so cute!

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