New Found Life, FOTD

Cee’s wonderful challenge of Flower of the Day has been fun for me as my yard this year was really good. The first full summer of retirement so I got to play a lot in the dirt. The flower below I can not remember its name but in the spring it was full and hanging off all sides of the hanging basket. The blooms are about the size of my pinky nail but they cover the hanging basket. The summer heat was a detriment for it but now that the early touches of fall are in the air, it is making a come back.


Take this flower’s determination to survive to heart and don’t let the heat of life drain you. Jesus never promised it would be easy, he just said it would be worth it, so hang on. And share that desire with others to hang on and it will bring smiles and light back into their world. And as always, be kind.


And watch the kindness you share spread…like ripples in a pond.

kind ripples

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