Nightly Encouragement, Laughter

Recently we started a new out-reach with our church to do evening encouragements. Normally people do morning encouragements to help get your day going but with Covid still among us and seeming growing for a second wave, we felt like all of our members could use some encouragement at the end of the day so yesterday we rolled out the Nightly Encouragements. The pictures are not mine but found on Christian websites that matched the message of encouragement I am trying to share. Tonight we are discussing the value of laughter. My hope is that if you decide to read on, that you are in some way encouraged to stand firm for another day.

In a time such as this, where we are weighed down with life around us…we need some laughter. We have been told laughter is the best medicine but laughter has many documented medical benefits as well.


But better than that, the bible tells us laughter is good medicine…
cheerful heart
The benefits of laughter make us glad….brings us joy…and make us smile..
When we are filled with joy, we are kinder people. When we are filled with joy, we reflect the love of Christ.  So, let us always be filled with Christ and reflect His grace.
God's love
Even when times are tough, things look bad, you can’t see a way out…remember God is always there. He is our rock that we stand on, our hope that we cling to and our peace that knows no other understanding except Christ alone. I leave you with this prayer in hoping a bountiful measure of blessing gets poured on you and your family.
sleep well
And as always…try to be kind
kind smile

6 thoughts on “Nightly Encouragement, Laughter

      1. Thanks, Anita. I changed a few things on my blog site a couple of months ago and it affected my followers. Try clicking on follow again on my site. That seemed to have fixed the issue for others who were having the same problem with comments. Sorry. 😏

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