Amazing Stonework – A New Challenge

Good evening friends. I give you a new challenge tonight to be on Monday’s. I will try to get this posted much earlier but summer thunderstorms took out our power so we are a tad late. In today’s world, it is somewhat scary knowing how dependent we are on a power source to survive. So, I think it is fitting that this challenge reflects on the beauty of “old”. Welcome to “Amazing Stonework”.

This is a photographic challenge to share the beauty of older architecture from yesteryear that shows the intricate artwork in the details of older buildings. So, look up at these older structures and marvel at how man created artwork out of stone, concrete and other substrates around windows, doors, and along roof edges – even on the walls themselves. Have fun and enjoy the beauty.

If you be interested in participating in this challenge, just take some pictures of details of older structures. You will be amazed at what you see when you really begin to look. Link back to each week’s post and enjoy what others are seeing. Be sure to add the Amazing Stoneware Challenge badge from above.

My post this week is more of the same building where I pulled the badge from – City Hall.

There are curved walls as well as a turret and this column with the ball on top. No exactly what the original concept was but I find it interesting.

Come join in on the fun and enjoy the sights of others and as always, remember to be kind.

7 thoughts on “Amazing Stonework – A New Challenge

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