Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Trains

Cee’s prompt this week is Trains. I love trains and their history amazes me. I am posting comparison picture this time with “water trains”.  These are special trains that can create wake in the water. “What!, you say…trains don’t go in water!” They do here in the midwest during flood season. It’s amazing. I know their weight holds them down but…really.

This spring, the flooding was not too bad…

But it still amazes me with the track being under water not being an issue. However, last year, I had to take pictures from the bridge because you could not get to the parking lot that sat by the track.

Trains making wake during some serious flooding. Shipment must go on I guess. The flood last year lasted nearly 5 months. Some businesses went belly up. The just didn’t  have the heart to start over.

We think of trains as being a powerful force to be reckoned with because of their tons of cargo…but they are no match to mother nature.

Remember as powerful as nature is, it is also very delicate…like kindness. Kindness is a mighty tool that can create enormous change but also very fragile. I challenge you today to use the fragility of kindness as the mighty tool it can be, then stand back to watch the change it creates.

kind hummer

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