CMMC – April Letter E

What a fun challenge tonight. I recently bought this lamp as I have a thing for elephants. So, I added a poem to fit in with Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge. Hope it makes you smile.

Elephant Light                                

It just a lamp that belonged to me mum

It melts wax, smelling the room of plum

She called it wise because it’s an elephant

An animal who’s strength is significant

But the strongest part of an elephant is heart

For they carry much love for all to be part

Their wisdom is shared all through the herd

From the oldest bull to the youngest one heard

The lessons they teach, are lessons for all

For man needs these lesson, most of all

And as always I remind you to be kind and what better picture that to also have an elephant showing the kindness and playful side of love.

Always Be Kind

FOTD – April 28

Spring reminds us of the awakening of our souls to the beauty of nature with flowers popping out everywhere. Cee’s post of Flower of the Day, reminds us to go look. Today I notice my lilacs are blooming. Since they are in the back, I have to remember to make a special effort to see them. It was well worth it – the bees thought so as well.

Their beauty was complemented by their delightful fragrance.

Another thing that is equally as beautiful and fragrant as lilacs is kindness. Kindness has the ability to bring a smile even on the darkest moment, even for a short moment. But it is well worth it.

Even though this is a bit blurry, I think you can read that in all areas of life, kindness can grow with just a little effort. Sow that effort and always be kind.

Poet Interview – Anita Neal

Thank you Susi for giving an old woman a chance to show her caring heart. Don’t forget to add this anthology to your collection. There is lots of good heart here.
If you are a dog fan, check out my books on Amazon – Our Home of Love & A New Understanding.

I Write Her

Grab a beverage of your choice and come spend some time with Anita and Susi! You’ll learn more about the anthology and get to know Anita a little better.

Interested in getting a copy of the anthology? Just click the link below!

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Life’s Storms

Life presents us with many types of storms. Regardless of whether they are weather related or not, all storms can be survived if we all work together in helping each other to survive life’s storms. This morning Cee Neuner posted a picture of her CFFC page that I though was so beautiful. It spoke of the many storms we all go through in life. This past year there was a storm that hit us world wide and while it separated us physically, I saw many of us come together online in ways we never thought we could before – encouraging each of us in how to survive this storm. So I borrowed Cee’s photo and wrote a poem about it. May we all learn the value of coming together when times are hard so they we all survive. Thank you, Cee, for allowing me to use you picture.

Storm is A’comin

The storm was a’comin, bearing down on the small town

People were hurriedly tethering everything down

Communication poles were lashed in place real tight

In preparation for the coming winds and their great might

It had been several years since a big storm came through

This one came up fast, but they knew what to do

All the people of the town worked hard together

To be sure all were safe from this upcoming weather

As the storm loomed closer, people gathered down below

For the safety of their families as the winds began to blow

Once the storm had passed, and they could look out to see

They can come back together for the beauty of life to be.

Anita Neal

I remind you as always the power and necessity of kindness, especially during times of storms. It is through nurturing and kindness that we are able to withstand the winds of storms.

Always Be Kind

Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge, April 27

Devereaux Frazier and Beth Amanda are currently hosting the Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge which was started by our star writer Christine Ray. We hope to offer all of you something that will spark your creativity and willingness to participate.

I wanted to do something different for this challenge as the poem does not truly rhyme and have much rhythm as poetry but I always wanted to make a poem in the shape of something. So today, I made this in the for of one of the key words. Laugh with me as laughter is important for all of us.

The Key

So many choices.

How can I chose which

direction I need to travel in.

Which will bring me happiness.

Which will be the most fun.

Which is the best choice.

Which is happy

Which is key

To find





                 Really matter

           In travel if



And remember as always the power of gentle kindness. Kindness can be the most powerful key to find happiness.

Always be kind

What Do You See #79, April 26

Sadie of Keep it Alive has challenged us with an amazing picture to write our thoughts about. Spending a lot of my childhood on the sea, this really spoke to me so…here we go.


I pace the shoreline. Where are you? Don’t you see the dark is coming?

I pace the shoreline. The smoke filled sky warns of the deadly fires across our land.

I pace the shoreline. The freezing waters turn my feet blue like the sea.

I pace the shoreline. Please understand how much I need you, how much I love you.

I pace the shoreline. The lighthouse laughs at me as it blink on and off. Can you see it?

I pace the shoreline. Waves crash gently against the lighthouse, assurance of a calm sea.

I pace the shoreline. I think I see the tiny silhouette of the boat. Could it really be you.

I pace the shoreline. Please come home to me.

We as humans are emotional creatures. These emotion are a gift from above but must be monitored carefully. Because if we let them have their own course of action, much pain can be made – not always on purpose. So I remind you always to remember the power of kindness, to use it often and to be aware of the beauty it creates.

Always be kind.

The Sound of Brilliance has PUBLISHED!!

What a great way to bring great works together in one book. Congrats to all and Thank you Susi for your hard work.

I Write Her

Cover by Terry Susi

Thank you EVERYONE who went on this journey with me!

Both the paperback and eBook are now available on Amazon.
If you are interested in getting your copy, please tap the links below to purchase.

For those who prefer holding a book – click here to get your Paperback
and those who have Kindles or readers – click here to get your eBook

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5 Things Tuesday, 5 Favorite Canned Goods

What a fun, never though of, challenge hosted by Salted Caramel, our 5 favorite canned goods. Some things we know we have to have brand specific but I have found that now that I am in the Midwest, some brands are not available so I do the best I can.

Top of the list is Le Sueur (must be brand specific) Very Young Small Sweet Peas. If I cant have fresh peas from my garden, then this is the only brand where they don’t taste like hard tasteless mush.

The next must have brand is Hunts Tomatoes. I prefer the petite diced but that isn’t a game changer.

I am a big legume eater so my favorite brand is Bush’s. Mostly stick with Black eyes or baked. Loving growing other varieties in my garden.

Coming originally from the south, I am big on the leafy greens but refuse to clean fresh one, so I get canned. Turnip greens are hard to find here but I can get Spinach pretty easily. Popeye’s is the only brand I have found up here and it will do.

And to sweeten the list lets add my favorite fruit. Libby’s Bartlett Pears. Served on a slice of lettuce, topped with HELMANN’S mayonnaise and shredded cheese.

Its been fun to think about can goods that have become a staple for our kitchen.

And as always I close with my usual reminder that in all you do, remember to be kind. You may be at that specific moment, the only kind act someone has seen that day. Enjoy and think about this profound statement.

Always be kind.

FOTD – April 21

I love Cee’s Flower of the Day Challenge. Now that things are blooming, I have an excused to stay outside.

I love the delicateness of the blooms on flowering trees. They help awaken you to beauty of spring. As you venture out into this beauty, remember it’s delicate nature and how it teaches you of the renewal of life. And remember this renewal is for all living things in their own delicate natures of life. And treat them all kindly.