A Reflection of My Home

Good afternoon. I do apologize in advance for today’s tour of my home in reflection as when my home moves periodically, as it has a mind of its own apparently with the help of a human, this movement tends to break sections of my home down. No major damage I guess as I will just rebuild again tonight when things are quiet.

Home and Reflection

My brother George lives on the other side of the moving mountain and usually makes a larger home. He has brighter opportunities for food as he gets more illumination  from the street light. However his home gets broken more as that is the side of the mountain the human gets in and out of.

When my home is fresh and full, it is quite stunning in reflection and makes it a joy to watch as the breeze moves it slightly creating a amusement ride effect if you stare at it too long.

If you happen to come by my home and wish to say Hi, knock on the shinny thing and if I am not busy, I will come out to visit.

Oh, and by the way, my name is Georgette. And remember all things enjoy kindness so remember to be kind.

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Monday Windows

Ludwig has a fun post to show off Monday Windows. My church is one of the oldest churches in the area dating back to the 1880’s and is know for its beautiful windows. below are the outside and inside view if one of them.

Outside, obviously

The stonework on the outside really is beautiful.


There are 3 large windows like this and 4 others that are a little smaller. And they are all dedicated to someone long before my time.

If you look around your town, I am sure you will see many beautiful old buildings, some no longer used but still quite stunning.

And always when passing new and old acquaintances remember to be kind, it may be just the light someone needs that day.

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The Quiet of Fog

The bat-cave of my street

Some think fog eerie but it is it’s peace that I feel

It shrouds all things that it touches, making it look unreal

The early morning fog comes but usually burns by noon

The evening fog can enter and bring on a sense of doom

I prefer the daytime fog brought on by changing seasons

It’s calmness gives off a quietness for no apparent reason

When fog comes in surrounding the branch as it glistens

Nature seems to come to a stop and watch fast while it listens

Beauty in life can be read in nature from where ever you stand

As the peace of fog moves quietly over the surface of land

Anita Neal


Remember in all that you do to share the kindness that has been shown to you. And if you feel kindness has not been shown then be the first to spread it around and be kind.







Tuesday Photo Challenge, Stone

Yes, I am way behind but I still want to play with the TPC challenge as I actually went hunting for ideas for this prompt. Then I took pictures of lots of things and forgot to post  my pictures of stone. Some of us are more challenged than others in remembering what side of the street we need to be on. Thanks jansenphoto for the weekly fun. This week we are playing with stone and since I am late, I have already read a lot of the post and they are great.

Quad-Cities Timer Capsule

What a fun thing for a city to do to measure its growth, good or bad. Probably wont be around another 30 years to see whats in it.


Below is another stone depicting the German immigration into the area back in the late 1800’s.



There are several statues around town for the different peoples who fled their oppressed country to come here to start over. I will post those one day.

And remember, all of us are sometimes hurting, some a little, some a lot. Reach out with kindness and help them get through the day.

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Remember the Love

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of God. Eph. 3:17-19

First day

In my devotion today, it reminded me just how much God loves us and just how much the father of lies deceives us in making us forget that love or not believing we deserve that love.

Resist the devil in My Name, and he will slink away from you. Draw near to Me and My presence will envelop you in Love.

Always remember God is Love and that he has a hand of love reaching down to you at all times. For while you may feel like you are drowning, reach up to His loving hand and hold on.

a cross

As you soak up this Love, remember to share it with others as He asks us to and to always be kind.




Sunshine’s Monday Macro, Babies

Irene Tron of Heaven’s Sunshine has a marvelous challenge to play with macros on Mondays, so come play along.

My entry for today is a baby spider plant. A friend was giving a bunch away so I took a couple. We will see how it goes. My variegated ones do not make babies for some reason although they they multiply thickly in the pot.

New spider plant baby

Interesting that the leaf foliage has started but yet the white bloom is still a tiny tiny bud. new life is always exciting even in plants. I just hope my banana tree revives. I will post pictures if new leaves appear.

Remember how precious all of life is and treat all living creations with tenderness and care…and some with caution. Try to reflect the love and grace given you by God, to reach out to others to help them feel the love only God can give and try to always be kind.

kind flower

Jekyll and Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, while they are fictional characters by Robert Louis Stevenson, is a phrase we use for people having multiple ways of behaving. I think I can now use that phrase for my new puppy. Precious as she can be but coming from a large litter I think she may have been the alpha pup.

This afternoon, she had her supper, played with Mimi a bit went outside and did all her business so I though it would be safe to go downstairs to discuss supper options. Five minutes. Yea, wrong idea…

Poor Banana tree

Last week a storm came through and I didn’t get the banana tree in before the wind did some damage to the two lower leaves and I had not trimmed them as I should have. Now they were hanging within reach for tug-a-war. The tree obviously lost the battle but maybe not the war. The main stem was not damaged and the ball was okay so we will see.

Reminder to self…puppies can become Mr. Hyde in a heartbeat. Prepare. She spent some time in timeout to settle down and now the vacuum has become public enemy #1. Well, it was noisy, so OK.


And that can be a reminder to us all, that while we can sometime feel like Mr. Hyde we need to remember the damage it can cause.  So let us always focus on being kind.

kind storm

I Don’t Get It but…

Going to church today, I bumped into the marathon. A 26+ mile run for fun? In the rain?As those who read my blog know I live on the Mississippi river within a 4 city metropolis called the Quad cities, with 2 cities either side of the river. This is the runningest  place I have ever lived in, or maybe because of the size and layout of the land here, I see them more. This particular marathon hits all 4 cities. It takes major amounts of commitment, courage, perseverance and love of running. Some run for a cause, some for themselves to beat the last run time and some just run for the fun and enjoyment or it, regardless of the weather. I don’t get it but I admire it.


I realize these picture are not clear, I was driving at the time, but that folds into what my true purpose of this post is about.

Runners train endless hours to be able to preform the endurance that is required for any given race. They train their bodies to withstand the pressure they may encounter, they revise their diets to help strengthen their endurance and they gear their minds into the proper mindset to be able to finish the race. Sometimes it not about a clear manor in  running but that clearly you finish.


For me, walking .2 miles can be a challenge on some days depending on what the weather is doing to my arthritic knees. But I admire the training of the runner and this morning I thought of a different thought pattern for running a race, which includes all the training mentioned above in different forms.

What if we turned our life into a race of…Running TO Jesus. What if we put a marathon’s  passion of running to run toward the one who loves us more than we can imagine. I look at it as a child being lost and then being found like the prodigal some spoken of in scripture. The father running with love toward the some. Our heavenly father is forever running to us, and if we will just turn toward Him…of course it is easier to say than to do.

Or for animal loves, tears come to my eyes as soldiers are reunited with their canine loves upon their return from service. They RUN to each other with love overflowing.


That really is what God wants from us…to run to Him with His overflowing love for us. Scripture talks about running the race of life and to run it with Christ as our goal, while in fact He is running beside us to make sure we finish with Him.

So when you see runners cheer them own and remember to run your own race to God. He never said it would be easy but it did say it would be worth it.

And while you are running, remember to reflect the love he is showing you and share it with for other to see His love.

kind ripples



Frown to Smiles

Our attitudes toward all our of trials in this life is what helps us get through them, as long as they don’t own us. So I challenge you this day to keep your spirits bright and to not let the “Negative Nancy” get the opportunity to fill your thoughts.

Trails of Life

We start out eager and young on this wide trail of life,

In hopes of receiving great fortune and very little strife.


Curvy paths seem smooth, with beauty brightening the day

No concerns considered of what may happen on the way.

Bridge to Sunshine
Courtesy Irene Tron, Heaven’s Sunshine

But not all paths are rosy along this narrow way

And trials of life can happen causing you deep dismay

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Don’t let that sadness take hold of you, creating a deep frown

But rise above that sad trial and turn it upside down.

Anita Neal

                                                          Googel pics

And as always when you can smile, you can be kind so try always to be kind.

kind smile