Encouragement and Hope in the Storm


In a world surrounded by the same pandemic attacking countries with no reason of sanity with over 720 thousand cases across more than 150 countries, we are scared. We are all in this together praying for the same cure. In our state today we lost an infant. An infant who had not had enough time to grow any type of immune system. A virus that shows no apathy to the young, the old, the sick or the weak and carried by loved ones who mean no harm.

But I believe in our God. A God that loves every single person on this planet regardless of their religion because he did not create a religion for us to follow. He created us to follow him. He wants a true relationship with you and you with him. He loves you.

Musicians are wonderful tools God uses to remind us that he is always there for us to come to. They write songs of courage, remembrance of his love, remembrance of our love for him and we lean on those songs in hard times.

Casting Crowns wrote a song that I think fits well with the situation this world is finding itself in and how we just need to lean on him and Praise Him in the Storm.  And while  God sometimes can calm a storm, sometimes he allows the storm to rage while calming us with reassurance that he is in control. Allow your heart to praise God in this current storm and feel his calmness reassurance for you.

Sometime when the storms seem out of control, kindness can come in forms to help settle your heart. Be that calmness for others who so desperately need it.

kind storm

Proof is in … the Picture?

When you have one of those mild winters you automatically expect spring to be quicker, at least I do. I know it is still March, and today is 44 degrees but I am ready. Yesterday I saw my first Gold Finch to my feeder, one male and one female.


I do apologize for what looks to be a bag of garbage in my yard. That is actually home brewed mulch for a raised bed I am adding in front of those firs this spring. Didn’t want to have to carry it to the back and bring it back to the front.

So with the sights of birds and flowers coming up, I am getting more ready, especially since we are home-bond for who knows how long. Hopefully the curve will soon start to flatten and we can begin to relax. I do lift prayers daily for world as so many countries are being taken by storm of this pandemic with the US being the highest number of cases.

Once this storm is passed I hope to get my front fenced in so that I can be outside in the yard with the puppies at the same time without a leash being involved. We both then can be free to move and play. So I shine out hope for quick recovery for all of us and the warmth of spring to come soon. May you all be safe and as always, remember to be kind, especially while this storm is unleashing upon us.



Monday Windows, Even in the Restroom

Ludwig has a fun post for showing off windows you see. Since we are “sheltered in place” I am going through archives and found this one that I don’t think I have ever shared. To help understand the history of this window, in 1985 a storm came through our town and crashed the steeple through the roof of the church taking out the pipe organ and nursery among other things. So in the repairs, they also decided to make some much needed renovations to the areas of damage. One was to add restrooms to the sanctuary floor. Now while you are thinking this is odd, this building is over 100 years old and with a couple of renovation already under its belt, it was now  4 floors for people to meander about and get lost in if you have never been there. So the majority of the plumbing was downstairs, except for the fellowship where other restrooms were available. But nothing much for the main sanctuary floor. And of course this building being over 100 years old was filled with beautiful stained glass windows. Now we have restroom on the main sanctuary level…with stained glass windows. Something you don’t find in  every church.

IMG_20191014_141934 (1)

I am also sharing my favorite window which I know I have shared. Yes it is crooked because I didn’t take into account I was standing on a slanted floor.


I have hopes you are all staying safe and sheltering as much as you can. Remember in all that you do to always be kind, especially now as our lives seem more stressed that at other times.

Kind fire


Beauty In Life, SMM

Irene of Heaven’s Sunshine has a Monday post of macro photography, and while I only have my cell phone, it does a pretty decent job. Since my state is “shelter in place” we are not out and about but after the spring snow from last night, about 2 inches, I just had to walk around the block. It was early and no one much was out but the distinct sound of the wood peckers tat-tat-tat could be heard as it echoed through the quiet morning. The first couple of pictures follow the “macro” theme but I am also including the beauty I saw this morning of the naked trees draped in the graceful beauty of white as they stretch their limbs toward heaven, something we need to do as well in this time of challenge and sadness. May you all be safe during this time.

Hope you enjoy a few of the 40+ pictures I took from this best kind of snow – beauty with clear streets – not that I am going anywhere…




Hill up 36th

And as always, remember the beauty of life, even in dark times. There is always a silver lining even though it may be too small to see – it can be felt.

Isaiah encouragement

CFFC, Fun With the Past

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge allows us to bring fun from our archives or new pictures that reflect ideas from the picture above : Mural, covered bridge, car, green, grass, vintage car, people, trees, road, flowers, landscape, sidewalk, or come up with your own topic.

So below are some of my pictures of the past. Since we are venturing out less right now, I felt this was a fun way to deal with the self quarantine.

Mural, one of several from my town, Rock Island Illinois:


Centennial Bridge between Iowa and Illinois and blue sky:


Flowers, can’t wait until spring:

Landscape & trees around town:


Old cars:

We are now in a time of more fear and resentment and the need for kindness and patience is drastically needed more than ever. Remember to always be kind especially when others are not. Be the light they need.

hope 6