Who Holds Your Trust?

Good evening friends. Today was a beautiful day here in the midwest. I went to store with my window down and it felt fabulous. Now 50 degrees is not that warm but compared to -15, that’s 65 degree difference – a heat wave. Last week when we had negative temperatures and crazy wind chills, it was hard to trust we would have this warm a day so soon but here we are. Trust can be a fickle thing if you have it on the wrong thing.

Who or what do we really trust and depend on to carry us through this life?  Our job, our money or our friends can be gone in a matter of a single disaster.  Or maybe our trust is in ourselves, our education, our talents or our possessions. These also can be gone in an instant. Today’s devotion in Quiet Times with God reminds us how very important all of these things are but that we also must remember that these things are temporary. 

God is the only One who doesn’t change.  He alone is OUR Rock that can not be moved. JMeyer

We know that being children of God, He will deliver us from our current troubles.  This past year has been a huge worry all across this great planet. Then this winter has been extremely difficult all across the US.  But God will get us through it, as was evident today.

Trusting God believes that God is always there. He is always working with us, we just have to make sure that is where we place our trust, in Him alone.  Not an easy task for us on the surface but if we can get there….we will lose some things…like worry, anxiousness, fear and confusion.  There is a profound peace found when somebody else is taking care of things, someone you can fully trust.  God we can fully trust.

As you place all your trust in the Lord, remember the peace it brings you. With that peace, remember to show kindness with others who may not have placed their trust with the Lord yet. Maybe your kindness will be a reminder of where true trust should lay. So remember to always be kind.

Wholeness even with Brokenness

Good evening friends. Brokenness is an everyday occurrence, whether it be a physical item, an emotional  item or a spiritual item.  Today at church we had a physical item that was broken, the women’s handicap toilet broken and it was broken good.  A whole new toilet is on order. An item you don’t think of how important it is until you don’t have it.

Sometimes we don’t fully understand the value of an item until you lose it and again, it can be physical, mental or spiritual. But brokenness is not always a bad thing. Sometimes things have to get broken for us to see how flawed they were.  Then we have a better understanding of what unbrokenness is supposed to look like before we can enjoy the value of new unbrokenness. Isaiah and Revelation both talked about making things new, things better, things unbroken.

Sometimes, God will allow broken things to change our path, not that he causes them to break, but he uses the brokenness to help us understand how to come to a better conclusion and walk a new course. This past year we have felt a lot of brokenness but in reality, we have made new paths and in some cases better paths regardless of the brokenness and have newness in how we live.

There are many of us who feel broken in various ways. Our bodies are giving away, our hearts have seen too much trouble and we sometimes forget to listen to the still small voice that whispering His love  to us every day.  But the voice is still there, with an ever present promise to get us through this life to become a new creation alongside Him. So regardless of the fight you may be fighting, don’t lose heart. The main battle has already been won and we are anew in Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

So lean back and take a big breath. And as you relax in the arms of Christ, feel the daily newness of His ever present love for each of us. That is our wholeness. Though we don’t really know what the newness will fully look like, we know it will be fabulous because He is fabulous and we are fabulous in Him.

And remember the beauty of showing kindness to others who feel broken. When we show kindness, we show the love of God. When we show the love of God we reflect how through Him, we are not broken but whole, surviving and loved. Share the newness of unbrokenness, its cool.

Today is the fourth day of Lent and as we head toward Easter, I thought I would also post the message from Our Daily Bread devotion.

Day 4 of Lent: Forgive my hidden sins.

How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don’t let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin.

Psalm 19:12–13

Well, It is February…

Yes, as we hunker down for the 3rd winter storm in two weeks here in the midwest, with well over two accumalative feet of snow already, I am ever thankful I am not in the northeast. The second storm that hit us with 8 inches of snow dumped 3 feet on them.

But I am blessed with a warm house, plenty of food and a nice view of amazing trees, none of which are on my property. Another blessing during the fall. This year I am more taken by the beauty of these naked trees with their innate understanding as they twist their limbs to reach for the sun, their life force in the sky.

The hardwoods are the most amazing as their branches will bend down and then twist up to reach the light as the sun peeks through the leaves absorbing its love. It reminds me of a praying man raising his hand toward to his life source. But there is something majestic about the ever greens as well, as they created a sort of triangle, again pointing to the heavens to it’s life source.

Trees are a reminder to us all showing where the life forces come from for all of creation.

And if we can ever really grasp that concept, then we will begin to understand the beauty of all creation as was meant to be shared and enjoyed. From the largest mountain to the tiniest snowflake. So as we enjoy all there is to see, remember the kindness that begs to come out of creation’s beauty and share that kindness to its most beautiful potential.