God is Everywhere if You Look

Part of my duties as church secretary is to keep the main bulletin board current. With permission, I squared a small section on one end to create an Encouragement corner where I post encouraging quotes and pictures I find or scriptures that get quoted against beautiful photographs. I think it is important to lift up the inside of the church as well as the out reach and lifting up of those not in the church. I ran across this little bit of science that I thought interesting. Some of you may already know of this and some may not think much of it but I thought most interesting and decided to write about it today. In my opinion, God shows us all through nature as well as in science that he does indeed exist. You just have to look and believe.

Below is a picture of the molecular structure of Laminin.  Look familiar?


Laminin is a protein that is part of the extracellular matrix in humans and animals. The extracellular matrix (ECM) lies outside of cells and provides support and attachment for cells inside organs (along with many other functions). Laminin has “arms” that associate with other laminin molecules to form sheets and bind to cells. Laminin and other ECM proteins essentially “glue” the cells (such as those lining the stomach and intestines) to a foundation of connective tissue. This keeps the cells in place and allows them to function properly. The structure of laminin is very important for its function (as is true for all proteins).

I am reminded of the phrases we use when apprehensive about a situation referring it to “my gut instincts”. There has been quite a bit of research linking gut, heart and brain responses to situations. If I remember correctly, ancient expression of love came from the gut, not the heart. All of this boils down to, for me anyway, is that God is in you, all around you and always there for you. You just have to be aware and let Him love you only as He can. His love for you goes beyond our understanding.

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His Children

If you are a parent, you understand the love of a child. God’s love for us is exponentially greater. Let His love radiate from you, through you and around you. And as you feel it share it with others. But even on days when you don’t feel it, if you try to share His love and kindness to others, it will flip around and come back to you. So always try to be kind.


Fog Symbolizes Life

Last week Debbie Smyth of Traveling with Intent posted a picture called Trees in black and white that inspired me so I borrowed it and wrote this poem comparing the scariness of fog to the scary uncertain things of life. We can’t always see where we are going but we can always be assured that God is with us so be encouraged. In the old testament, Moses remind the people that God is always with you. Deuteronomy 31:6 says “Be strong and courageous. Do not afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you.” In the new testament, Paul also reminds us of God always be there for us. Hebrews 13:5b says “because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'”  So rest assured knowing His love for you.

trees, Deb Smyth
Trees Shrouded in Fog

Eerie Quiet Fog

What is it about the eerie fog that mystifies us so

Moving quietly through the trees in the valley far below.

It snakes stealthy through forest engulfing each tree

 Overtaking the land which once was thought free.

The coldness of winter brings a new kind of fog

 Surrounding each limb and crossing each log.

Mystery overtakes them as we can no longer see

The coming together as one – quiet fog and tree.

In walking through fog, the light whisper you will hear

Is the trees reassurance, you there is nothing to fear.

If deep winter chill turns the clinging fog to ice

The crystal on limbs can make the tinkling sound nice.

But if the winds pick up shaking limbs all around,

The tinkling becomes cracking as limbs fall to the ground.

But a saving sun at last shows through, melting away the fog

Leaving only a dampness to linger around the trees and log.

The longer days of sunshine bring a warmth of hope to stay

As trees remember to wake and take in this bright new day.

The lessons we can learn when watching the fog and the tree

Remind us of God’s loving hand as he forever guides you and me.

                       Anita Neal

As you remember His great love for you, be a reminder to others of His love love for them. Always Be Kind.

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Encouraging Word for the Night

I believe that all of us from time to time need to hear encouraging words or a receive a gentle hug to help us face the battles of this life. So I send you this cyber hug and include some encouraging words in hope that your spirit is lifted a bit to help with today’s woes or the winter blues. Remember God never puts more on us that we can stand. The burdens may be heavy but He promises to be by our side to help us carry them. Lean on Him and He will hold your hand or carry you through.

God is always with you

Remember sometimes when we are hurting, if you get out of our own way and help others, our hurts are temporarily  relieved and our actions are strengthen by God to help us get through our own issues easier. So I encourage you to press on in  helping when you can and to always be kind.

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Pets = Stress Relief…at my house

I saw this definition on adogslove.com and thought it very appropriate for my house and a good source of my stress relief.

“Canine Paralysis – The condition of a person’s inability to move due to a dog being in  their lap.”

rough 1
Partial paralysis – only holding down left leg under plaid blanket
Full on ‘You ain’t going nowhere’ paralysis

They make us laugh, cuddly us when we are sad, sit with us when we are quiet and understand us better than anyone else. There is just something special that our pets do for us, whether is be a dog or a cat. For me, I prefer dogs, they seem to be more in tune with what I need.

dog love3

I found several pictures on Pinterest that I have saved as they touch my heart strings and I thought I would share. Its Friday, after a cold icy week, and we all need some warmth. And even if it is not icy where you are, puppy love is always a comforting warmth.

doglove 3
So very true

I don’t go to shelters when its time for a new love without abundant support as I would bring them all home.


And one last one…

dog love2
Just something about dogs

I could post picture after picture after picture but I think you get the idea and my love for dogs. And if a dog can be that devoted to its person, think how much more God is devoted to you. Both are His creations and both deserve abundant love…as God gives. So I remind you to carry the devoted love of a dog to those strangers you meet on a daily basis and be kind.

Dogs love 1
Always Be Kind



God’s Night Light

The year 2019 for much of the midwest will go down in T-shirt remembrance mode. In the Quad-cities area alone for the season we have experienced 56 inches of white stuff with forecast for tonight and tomorrow of another 3-5 inches. It’s a running joke of “Has it snowed today yet? Just wait 10 minutes!”

Yesterday, last night and again today we have enjoyed balmy temperatures in the mid twenties which still seems cold but comparatively feels warmer. With cloudy skies during most of the month, the clear skies have been a much welcome joy and relief. The moon was a bright light in the sky that I thought I would share with you. Even though the tree are in the way, I think you can enjoy the pictures as we enjoyed gazing at God’s night light, an ever reminder that he is always there for us.

Just rising
Between the trees
The night light in  the sky

Due to our lovely weather or my internet service, I have been trying to get this published since this morning. It looks to be working properly so, Yippee.

With the second day of blue skies, the bird feeder was especially busy so I am including some of the beauty I had there. We will see if the 3-5 inches manifest tonight or if we get blessed with a small amount – not looking like that will be the result. Enjoy the birds and may spring come on gently to bless us. I guess one blessed thing I read was that due to the horrific polar vortex, we should have low bug turn out this spring and summer, so there is always a silver lining somewhere, you just have to look for it.

The ever playful Blue Jay.

Two different kinds of woodpeckers. There were many sparrows and chick-a-dees but they are very skittish and wont sit long enough to get their beauty struck.


I leave you with a picture showing the kindness of feeding the birds and a reminder of something Jesus said telling his disciples how very precious they were and then going on to explain how much more precious we were in comparison. So remember to always be kind and let God’s light shine through you to others.


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Any one or anything…as HE created it all

Treasures Found Cleaning Out

Winter is usually a time to rest with spring being the time to clean but this cold has just about done me in so I took the time to go through a closet I have not open since we moved in 6 years ago. In it I found a framed picture of a drawing and poem I wrote for my mother. Now I loved my mother but she was…a mess.She was an alcoholic and as an adult I understand why and that is probably why I don’t touch alcohol, other than it taste gross. I guess it is an acquired taste and I have has some of the better and more expensive to taste and I just as soon leave it be.

Sometimes God puts people in our lives to help us heal from issues we have faced and He did so with me with Miss Mary Lou. Miss Mary Lou is well in her senior years but has the most gentle soul I believe I have ever met. The first day I visited the church I am currently worshiping in, she came and sat me as she said she didn’t want me to sit alone. I am one of those weird people who to sit up front, second pew. With ADD, I don’t need any distractions. But the wonderful stories I had heard about Miss Mary Lou and her ever gracious husband never seemed to surprise me as they were always sharing God’s love.

The other thing about Miss Mary Lou that shocked me the most when she first sat by me was how much she looked like my mother, or rather how my mother would have looked had she lived the same age as Miss Mary Lou. They were probably within 10 years of each other in age. I look at Miss Mary Lou and believe this is how my mother could have been if she had been close to the Lord as she also loved people.

So I post this poem I wrote for my mother, probably for Mother’s Day, in May of 1986, along with the tea rose I bought for me. I send it to mom again in heaven in her honor and also with love and honor of Miss Mary Lou for giving me peace from a matronly figure.

Like A Rose

Like a rose’s sweet fragrance that floats through the air,

So does a mother’s love as it flows through the home.

Like a rose that reflects its rich vibrant color,

So does a mother when she is loving her children.

Like a rose’s thorns that beckon you to beware,

So does a mother who safely guides her children.

Like the velvety softness of the rose’s soft petals,

So soothes a mother’s hand and voice calms a fear.

                                     Anita Neal   5/11/1986

And in closing as I always remind readers to do – Be kind. Share your gentle softness with the fragrance of God’s love.


Cheer & Laugh to Keep from Crying

OK, it is February 16, 2019 at 8:15 in the evening, Central Time USA. Two days ago we had a fluke system that came in and gave us glorious day temps of 45 degrees. It was fabulous. Tonight, however, we are at 24 degrees and waiting for yet another winter mess to hit us. Saturday night thru Sunday at noon, a possible 3 – 5 inches more snow and then on Tuesday night thru Wednesday at noon ANOTHER 3 – 5 inches. At this point we are laughing and cheering “Come On”. We are close to breaking a new all time record of snowfall in one season – only need 12 more inches and we still have 2 more weeks in February plus March has been known for some significant inches. The picture below was the local weather report showing broken records at that time before we got the last storm which was supposed to be 4-8 inches but ended up being 3 inches of ICE.


This will be a year where we will need to have t-shirts saying “I survived winter 2019”. The record low for us was -34 with a wind chill of -51. And the polar vortex was harder in other areas. I am originally from south Georgia – ain’t use to this mess. But what I find funny is how I have acclimated and how people who have lived here all their lives are some of the biggest wimps. So I guess we will see what mother nature throws at us. Its like a “Go Team” now because you want that last record broken to prove you deserve the t-shirt.

The snowfall in November was one event of 14″. Glad I was not working and having to worry about getting to work. The crazy polar vortex was in January is what gave us the all time record cold and the thunder ice. I had never heard of thunder ice until moving here. Weird. And then the blizzard conditions were in one of the February storms, and remember its only the 16th of February.

I have always heard about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb, and Lord helps us if this fable follows suit of this winter. Well I will check in with you tomorrow with pictures of what we get. May you all have sweet dreams of warm suntanning days. And as always, remember to be kind to man and beast alike. Especially if you are enduring crazy weather patterns that can cause extra stress on living creatures, cold or hot.

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Am I Bored, Tired or Watching You, #SoCS

YAWN – To open the mouth wide and take a deep breath.

Why do we yawn? Is it boredom causing us to not breathe properly? Is it because we are not getting good sleep? If either of these are true, then who do we yawn when we see other people yawn? And is it the same thing for animals?

Medical chart for yawning

Linda G Hill’s SoCS prompt for today is yawn. What a funny mechanism to make us breathe better and research has almost as many answers as we do questions about why we yawn. All I know is when a baby yawns, it is precious.

yawn 1

When adults do it, it sometimes seems rude but when dogs do it, you love on them and tease them about being tired. How can they be tired when the average sleep amount for our dogs is 12 – 14 hours in a 24 hour period. The rest of the time they are barking at a random plastic bag as the wind blows it across the yard. And I guess guard control of the mailman pulls too much energy from them requiring more naps.

Some animals are funnier looking when they yawn, like a horse for instance. As Debbie Smyth of Travel with Intent traveled around the globe, she got some funny photos of yawning animals that I am reposting as they make me giggle.

I found others on line that really remind you the damage these creatures can do to you if you get too close.

Lions, Tigers & Bears, Oh my!

And it getting back to a more cute side of yawning, I leave you with sad pictures of the canines in our house who went right past the yawn into the sleep mode.

While we enjoy the lighter side of life that we have the ability to enjoy, remember to share a little of that light and maybe brighten someone else’s day.