FOTD, May 31, Peonies and Weeds

Its the perfect time to show off Peonies in the Midwest. My bush grows huge flowers but its location is not the best. It catches all the wind as it zooms up from the river. So, if it gets in full bloom and a storm happens, the delicate limbs can not hold up the huge bloom and they fall to the grown. My buds are showing and thunderstorms are comin this afternoon. So, I have one open bloom to share with you today.


I placed the bloom in my blue spruce to give it some pretty background before bringing it into the house. The ants love these but they have not found them yet.

The other beauty I want to share today is probably a weed but it is quite lovely. In my opinion a weed is just a flower not recognized for it beauty. However they are some weeds I pluck immediately to keep them at bay. See if you can help me identify this creation. I have let it grow because of it lovely flower.

Full Plant
Close up

You can see that it is really nice with many clusters waiting to open. If you recognize this, let me know. If I need to get rid of it, let me know.

I have not been posting much as I have been knee deep(literally) in the churches community garden. It took us planting it twice this year due to a crazy spring to get it going but it seems to be doing well so far…

But I do want to remind you of my root cause – kindness. Kindness has a power and beauty that can change the world if we use it correctly and often. And in keeping with the flower / garden theme, I give you similarities of how we can become gardens ourselves, so garden of kindness.

Remember to always be kind

Encouragement from Youth

Good Sunday evening friends. Today at our church we had an amazing day. Normally you hear encouraging words form me to help you understand how wonderful we are and I hope you understand God ALWAYS has a plan for each of us. Below I am sharing today’s message from one or our youth, a 14 year old young lady that has more understand of our worth than some adults that I have spoken with. I hope you take the time to open the link and hear her encouraging words. You can fast forward though the talking and singing if you just want to hear Jaylynn’s message. I truly believe you will be encourage on how very much God loves you. It is at the first part of the service.

Then if you care to listen to the entire service, you will be encouraged by the Global Servant of Health, Kristy Engel as she gives a brief summary with her Mission Moment sharing her work across the world that she has been doing.

I truly hope you understand how very important all of us are because as Jaylynn reminds us, we are all made in the likeness of God.

As you begin to understand the beauty of your creation, remember also the beauty of kindness and always be kind.

The Vast Ocean of God’s Love

I have not written an encouragement post in a while but last night’s devotion in “Jesus Calling” needed to be shared because we all need to be told how very much we are loved. Regardless of how we feel we have fallen short of God’s holy standard…every day…in His sight we are gloriously righteous. He proved this vast ocean of love by literally pouring out His blood for us…freely without our asking.

We are so programed that nothing is free that we sometimes forget the power of His freely given love through the Holy Spirit that dwells in our heart.

Always know He is as close as your own hand and loves us more than we could ever understand. Remember to share that love…every day…with others and always be kind.

Light the fire of kindness

Must Watch Better

Spring is really a busy time for me, especially since I volunteered to head up the church’s community garden this year. I planned it our carefully, measuring out the rows, deciding on what and how many of each plant to grow…due to the catastrophe of last year’s jungle. I checked with the extension service to make sure I didn’t plant too early and we started indoors with seed for cost savings. We planted in cups at the right time…and then spring would not come…and the plants kept growing. I had a pole bean that went ballistic and climbed up the string for the blinds.

Then it was finally time. The weather was warming up and last weekend we were able to plant. Yay! I had people lined up. We put 87 of 117 plants in the raised beds. The weather was perfect and we celebrated. THEN a freak wind storm came through with cold winds and killed everything we planted.

So now we have no choice but to start over. Next year we will have to watch better like Daisy!!

Daisy on guard duty

And our trees are just now starting to bud and bloom. Guess I should have watched those too. They knew.

I realized as I started to post this that is has been nearly a month since I last posted. That’s way too busy for being retired. Once we replant this weekend, I am glad someone else is in charge of the rest.

Well, have a good rest of your week. And remember…Bee Kind!

You can always Be kind