New Found Life, FOTD

Cee’s wonderful challenge of Flower of the Day has been fun for me as my yard this year was really good. The first full summer of retirement so I got to play a lot in the dirt. The flower below I can not remember its name but in the spring it was full and hanging off all sides of the hanging basket. The blooms are about the size of my pinky nail but they cover the hanging basket. The summer heat was a detriment for it but now that the early touches of fall are in the air, it is making a come back.


Take this flower’s determination to survive to heart and don’t let the heat of life drain you. Jesus never promised it would be easy, he just said it would be worth it, so hang on. And share that desire with others to hang on and it will bring smiles and light back into their world. And as always, be kind.


And watch the kindness you share spread…like ripples in a pond.

kind ripples

Fan of…Football

Today is August 31, last Saturday of August, week 1 of college football. The predictions are in, the hopes are high  but who will last, who will not get hurt and who will be the top DAWG.

Yes I am a fan of the Dawgs, the University of Georgia Bulldogs.

When Jez first started the Fan of…series, this was the first thing I thought of, well that and Christmas decorating but it way to early for that. So for now we show our college colors and watch the games as they unfold. Best luck to all teams but in reality…Go Dawgs, hopefully this will be our year.

So cheer for your teams, hope for the win but always be kind…even if you lose. Remember, its a game.

We teach our children to be good sports, so should we.

Textures, Photo A Week Challenge

Nancy Merrill has challenged us with a wonderful word of textures. We normally think of textures as material, like the difference between silk and wool but textures have many forms from the visual sense, touching sense and even the emotional sense.

Visual senses can also tie in with the touching sense like in the texture of a painted wall or the texture of sculptured carpet, which can also show textures of color patterns.

In the plant world you have many textures of leaf types which also are visual and feel totally different, like the thin ribbed look and feel of a banana tree leaf or the thick rubbery pointed leaf of the Christmas cactus. What about the thick fuzzy leaf of a African violet? All leaves are designed to serve the environment and the plant that they support.

Let’s go a little different direction with the scratchy roughness of your best friends paw, verses the soft velvety feel of their ears. Each designed with a purpose.

All textures have a purpose in their design, whether they were created by God above or by an ingenious man who proved the reason for the creation.

Let’s go one step over and talk about a non-touchable textures. A texture that you can feel but not with your hands. The texture of emotions. These are textures you can chose to use and temper for good or let them run wild into the wind.

Jesus is a contrast of textures as strength in the Lion of Judah and gentleness as the lamb of salvation. A complicated and difficult texture to be. Gentle to all but strong enough to stand against evil.

As you study all the textures of life that surround you, remember to be strong and safe but always be kind as it reflects God’s love that shines down on us all.

Kindness 18

May you all have a great holiday weekend, and if it is not a holiday weekend for you where you are, still have a great weekend.

National Geographic Bird Book, BOTD

Since I have retired from a 45 hour week job, I have began enjoying the birds in my area more. I still work to keep from being bored but its a 20 hour job of enjoyment. Makes all the difference in the world.

Coming from the south and used to the gulls and pelicans of Florida, you get the mindset of pelicans being a sea/gulf bird, well at least I did. But according to the bird book, they only go to Florida in the winter. Guess that’s where the term snow bird comes from??!?

The ones we see here along the Mississippi are beautiful. They are the American White Pelican.

While they winter in Florida and South America, they then head to the Dakota’s, Montana and Canada for spring breeding, then to the midwest and southwest for summer and autumn. The ones that are not of breeding age can be seen most anywhere or anytime including east to northeast. The interesting things you learn when you don’t have to always concentrate on an 8-5 job.

As you enjoy the birds around you look to see what interesting things you can learn about them and from them. They understand kindness as well so try to always be kind to all kinds, not only mankind.


Join in with Granny Shot It on her explorations of Birds of the Day and see the beauty of flight.

Sunshine’s Monday Macro

This beauty was found none other than…Lowes. Worse than the candy store to me. But what an awesome shot.

Honey for the bee

I am still amazed at what my phone camera can do for closeups but I miss a lot of distant shots, just not enough detail.

Heaven’s Sunshine created a fun new post for us all to see the details of this world close up with Sunshine’s Macro Monday. Come join in on the fun.

And as always, remember to be kind…we can always be kind.


A Quick Word

I wanted to say a quick word of encouragement this morning before heading to work as I was blessed by my devotion this  morning from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and wanted to share it with you.

Grow strong in the Light of My Presence. As My Face shine upon you, you receive nutrients that enhance your growth in grace. I designed you to commune with Me face to Face and this interaction strengthens your soul. Read Psalm 4:6-8

My prayer for you today is to feel the warmth of His Light and Love as He shines upon you this and every day. As you take in that warmth and light, reflect it on others and always be Kind.



Tuesday Photo Challenge, City

This week’s Tuesday Photo Challenge is City. Since I have lived in several cities of various sizes, I can see good for all sizes depending on the natural vibe of each city.

Coming from over 20 years in a big city(Atlanta) to the midwest was a welcome change of less chaos, less heat(duration, it still gets too hot here) but the jury is still out on me liking the cold. I traded one very large city for 4 medium sized cities, the Quad Cities. Its a metropolitan area divided by the Mississippi River between two different states with two cities on each side of the river.

Green is Davenport Iowa, Yellow is Bettendorf Iowa, Red is Rock Island Illinois and Blue is Moline Illinois, together we are the Quad Cities.

What that does is create enough  business and culture within the 4 cities without too much massiveness, about 400K total. But these cities have been on this river with its history for a long time.

Looking toward Illinois
Looking toward Iowa
One of 5 bridges  connecting the Quad Cities, one being totally rebuilt.

Growing up on the rivers of Florida, I have a special love for rivers. I enjoy the interesting mix of tug boats and play boats. I apologize for not have the right camera for far distant shots but thought you could still enjoy.

I found this new street art today about the uniqueness of the 4 cities and wanted to share.



And though the river does rule us from time to time when flooding, we still enjoy its heritage and its beauty.


As you celebrate your city, remember its history as that is what makes the city what it currently is, and as always remember to be kind.



CFFC, Roofs

Cee has challenged us with a fun topic this time of ROOFS. Its a part of our homes we sometimes don’t think about until weather is bad, then we are oh so grateful. I have a small leak around my vent so I have someone coming to look at it Thursday. But when I think of interesting roof lines, I think of the old beautifully architecture you usually find on castles or cathedrals. Since we don’t have either of those in the midwest, here are some wonderful old church roofs, with a few others mixed in.

And then next one is not mine but proof of the hail damage we can get here.

hail damage

The last one is a fun one down at the river…where the musician play during festival times.


And as I always close with a reminder of wherever you are you can always find an opportunity to be kind.



National Dog Day, Frisky Business

Judy of lifelessons wrote an awesome poem celebrating our canine counterparts for this National Dog Day. They are without a doubt part of our family as we take pictures of them all the time and post them to bring laughter not only to us but to others. We tell their stories, write poetry about them and even a few songs show the ability for them not only to steal our supper but also our hearts. Below are Mimi and Max. Max is the basset.

Max n Mimi 2 (2)
How can you not laugh at their patience of “NOT BEGGING” for people food.

While these two are my and my daughter’s current household loves, below are well remembered loves of past that I thought I would share.

This is Junior, aka Dittims. 185 pounds of the most gentle dog I have ever had. If you can ever adjust to the size of this breed, they are awesome. He is the main character in the book I have written, due out soon.


Nope this is not Mimi. This is Baby Ruth. She was my heart throb for 16 years. Still miss her. Yes this is a favorite breed. Our other favorite breed is below, bassets.

In all fairness, Muffin, the tan one in the first picture is half basset and half beagle. Ruby, the middle picture was one of the first dogs from my early adult years and Sam(Samantha) actually belong to my mom when I was a teenager…but she loved me best.

Yes, our canines are our 4 legged children who love us unconditionally and only want to be loved by us. May we always be deserving of the love. In watching NATGEO special on the white wolves of the Arctic this week proves that all creatures just want to be loved. So lets remember that as we go day to day to show love where we can and kindness always.

animalkind 12

Frisky Business: Animal Mischief