Frown to Smiles

Our attitudes toward all our of trials in this life is what helps us get through them, as long as they don’t own us. So I challenge you this day to keep your spirits bright and to not let the “Negative Nancy” get the opportunity to fill your thoughts.

Trails of Life

We start out eager and young on this wide trail of life,

In hopes of receiving great fortune and very little strife.


Curvy paths seem smooth, with beauty brightening the day

No concerns considered of what may happen on the way.

Bridge to Sunshine
Courtesy Irene Tron, Heaven’s Sunshine

But not all paths are rosy along this narrow way

And trials of life can happen causing you deep dismay

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Don’t let that sadness take hold of you, creating a deep frown

But rise above that sad trial and turn it upside down.

Anita Neal

                                                          Googel pics

And as always when you can smile, you can be kind so try always to be kind.

kind smile

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