A Bunch of Bull, Great Concept

The sun is shining, the temps are in the mid 60’s so it is a perfect day for being outside. I am a member of P.U.N.C.H. which is a concept started by the Hilltop Churches in Davenport Iowa. It stands for People Uniting Neighborhoods and Churches. Currently there are 9 churches involved doing things like a community wide Egg Hunt at Easter; Neighborhood Trash Day; Back Pack Program; Winterizing Program; The Greenhouse program; The annual Thanksgiving Meal for the community and much much more. Today was Spring Fling which was a neighborhood wide craft and yard sale combined with activities for the kids, Elvis and Patsy Cline impersonators, which were pretty good, and the famous spokes person…or bull Pete the Purple Bull which I thought was fabulous. I was there painting faces and after Pete did his dance, everybody wanted a purple bull face. So there was a lot of bull going around combined with loads of fun, food and music. Since Pete and I kind of share the same platform of kindness I thought it a positive thing to share on my blog. One of the Hilltop churches has a building called The Center. And it has a lot of different  including one for after school to teach kids dancing, one of the martial arts to give them better ways to use their energy.  One of the dance programs has developed into anti-bullying program which has created Pete the Purple Bull.

The program is a fun way for kids to understand how not to bully and to treat each other with respect.  Today he was there and him and his friends(kids from The Center) showed us some pretty neat dance moves. A way for them to be proud to not be a bully.


They had out horns for everyone to wear to show their support of not being a bully.


You know I had to have a set. But the picture doesn’t show the fuzzy purple feathers between the ears. I love it when others get into different ways on teaching kindness. Kindness is such a wonderful way to reflect God’s love. So remember to always be kind.



9 thoughts on “A Bunch of Bull, Great Concept

  1. That sounds like wonderful outreach programs for the community! What a great way to teach kids that bullying is hurtful and that there’s better ways to interact with others. I think some grown ups need anti-bullying lessons too…just saying.
    Love the horns headband!


  2. Aw – those horns are adorable – so fun! What a wonderful program. And…those flowers in the background – YAY – so happy to see you have them outside in the yard instead of in the house!!

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