Share Your World

Interesting idea of sharing the successes and failures for the past year hosted by Sparksfromacombustiblemind. With a blog name like that how can you not come play. So with a New Year themed set of question, I am game as I had a pretty remarkable year. So here we go:

What was the single best thing that happened in your life this past year? That is easy. This past year I became a published author. After retiring in 2018 I was extremely bored and almost depressed. Its hard having a high energy job to do nothing. So I picked up a hobby I started in 2016, finished it and submitted it.  If you love animals and are a believer in heaven, you might be interested in seeing what heaven is like froma dogs perspective with Our Home of Love.


            The most challenging? That is also easy. During the last quarter of 2018, I had both feet operated on so 2019, I had to learn how to walk again. When one foot got done in September and I seemed to do so well, I decided to go ahead and do the other one in December. What I didn’t realize is why I did so well with the first one is I had the other not operated on foot to lean on – now I didn’t have that and it was difficult for several months.


One thing you learned in 2019? A lesson I have to relearn and relearn and relearn…Patience.

Given all your experiences, insights, and lessons learned in 2019, what’s the best advice you could give yourself for 2020? Take one day at a time and don’t sweat the small stuff that doesn’t get done – its all small stuff. Don’t borrow tomorrows troubles on today.

What’s the best meal/food you ate in 2019?  Sorry, I live in the mid-west now and after living in Atlanta for 20 years, the food here is..boring to bad. Sorry, I guess I am just spoiled.

What are three activities you plan to use in the coming year to relieve stress? Since I was not able to walk much this past spring, I plan to walk on the nature trails of a historical park near me. Also walking along the parks at the river is nice as well. Not sure what others will come my way, maybe a trip to Atlanta to go eat – that would be a fabulous activity.

Gratitude Question:

What brought you the most joy and are you going to do more of that? My friends celebrating with me my new found joy of writing. The support and love they share makes it twice as fun and yes book two is almost complete and the start of ideas for book 3 and swimming in  my mind.

Lastly – Any resolutions you’d care to share?I am not big on resolutions as they usually don’t last but I am going to give an idea I saw a good honest effort – Put my cell phone down more and pick up my bible instead. Also I am going to make a sincere effort to ensure I spread as much kindness as I possible can.

To join in on Share Your World 12/30/19 fun:

Suggestions for Responding by Melanie B Cee:

  1. Create a Share Your World post.  Then post the link to your blog in my comments or leave your answers in the comments on my blog.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World”  and link it to this post.
  3. If you’d like, remember to follow my blog to get your weekly reminders.
  4.  Ping-backs* are activated, but how efficiently varies. Right now it’s been reported that on my blog at least, they are NOT working very well.  Some folks can’t comment either.  I will answer all responses I can.  Thanks for your patience!

And in all things that we do, we make ripples in the lives of people everywhere we touch and interact with. So make your ripples kind so that kindness flows from you in a wave outward to circle the world.

kind ripples