Monday Windows, Even in the Restroom

Ludwig has a fun post for showing off windows you see. Since we are “sheltered in place” I am going through archives and found this one that I don’t think I have ever shared. To help understand the history of this window, in 1985 a storm came through our town and crashed the steeple through the roof of the church taking out the pipe organ and nursery among other things. So in the repairs, they also decided to make some much needed renovations to the areas of damage. One was to add restrooms to the sanctuary floor. Now while you are thinking this is odd, this building is over 100 years old and with a couple of renovation already under its belt, it was now  4 floors for people to meander about and get lost in if you have never been there. So the majority of the plumbing was downstairs, except for the fellowship where other restrooms were available. But nothing much for the main sanctuary floor. And of course this building being over 100 years old was filled with beautiful stained glass windows. Now we have restroom on the main sanctuary level…with stained glass windows. Something you don’t find in  every church.

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I am also sharing my favorite window which I know I have shared. Yes it is crooked because I didn’t take into account I was standing on a slanted floor.


I have hopes you are all staying safe and sheltering as much as you can. Remember in all that you do to always be kind, especially now as our lives seem more stressed that at other times.

Kind fire


2 thoughts on “Monday Windows, Even in the Restroom

  1. A dunny window in stained glass
    makes the experience illuminating,
    that which will there come to pass,
    something, before, merely ‘moving’.
    The myriad lights upon the walls,
    duly seen when on the throne
    are that which really truly calls
    the voiding heart to its Home,
    where, of course the process isn’t
    part of Heaven and its life,
    something which will be quite pleasant,
    avoiding all the earthly strife
    that arises, now or later:
    “Who forgot to put in toilet paper?!”

    Liked by 1 person

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