The beauty of Autumn

We all know that each season has it own type of beauty but the reds this year seem to be brighter than usual. Maybe its because we need something better to focus on with all the chaos of the pandemic, the violence and basic unhappiness we all seem to be in. So I give you the beauty of the trees here in the Midwest. I am sure the leaves for you area are just as beautiful, so share those and let us focus on the beauty of nature for a while.

And remember, kindness is usually contagious, so spread it around a little as you go about your day.

2 thoughts on “The beauty of Autumn

  1. Such gorgeous colors – I loved the vivid colors this year. Especially in the sun against a blue sky! Ours have turned into the view of bare branches of wood and deep dark burgundy of the remaining Oak trees. The rest have pretty much blown off of the trees. It was nice to see your colors – thanks for sharing!

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