CMMC September Close Up or Macro

For Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge, I am combining close ups and macros. I took two photos of each flower, a close up and a macro, then decided which I liked best. Some I liked both. For starters, I can finally reach the bloom of one of my sunflowers because the weight of the massive bloom filled with seeds is causing the stalk to bend over. This is actually a close and a closer. The closer one you can seed the seeds.

Some of my flowers have gotten real leggy but their blooms are still beautiful.

Two variations of marigolds. You can see that the inner part has tiny blooms that open as well.

The center of these also have those tiny buds that open like flowers

Some of the mums are hitting a second wave of blooming.

Dianthus are always a favorite
Rich Purple

In closing we have the light pink center of a dark pink geranium.

A reminder that we don’t have to be in the center to be beautiful. Beauty, like kindness, comes from within. So, be beautifully kind.

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