Reflecting Back on History

Man has the arrogant attitude that he is superior to all beings because he can communicate and analyze situations. I question that theory as all things were created by God and God doesn’t make mistakes…and the animals were created first. Hmm, ever thought of that? Just because we can not communicate with the animal kingdom, does that mean they don’t communicate. Watching Animal Planet on TV tells you that the animal kingdom is more complex than ever first imagined.

Eden was the beautiful place God created for beast and man, along himself, to enjoy and thrive in.  Then when he created man in His likeness and gave him free will, things began to change. In theory, as Adam looked around Eden and saw how magnificent it was, that should have been enough, right? No, but that snake of a fellow, with his lies and twists on words ruined it for all creation and he has been using those same tactics on man ever since for further destruction of this world.


I bring this up due to a painting on a building that is downtown. A reminder of the cruelty of man since the beginning or rather since the banning of Eden. I won’t open this can of worms any wider as it misses my point of what I am trying to make. When Europe first discovered America, thinking it was India and thus calling the people Indians, that was the first sign intelligence.(Sorry for the sarcasm.)And that wasn’t the first time man ran over a people to prove one groups superiority over another but again we are not opening that can of worms as there are so many many opinions. But today I want to talk about the beauty of art. Wow, that is a full right turn isn’t it? Not really. While I was out walking last week when the sun did dare to shine I ran across this mural and was reminded of the plight of the Indians. Not just in running them off, but the diseases that were brought to them from another people.

This area was inhabited by the Sauk tribe of which Black Hawk was a leader. Because I am not from this area, I do not know a lot of the Indian history or if this mural is of Black Hawk or one of the other prominent leaders. I just know there is a lot of reference to Black Hawk here. A college, a shopping center, banking, street names and so on. When you first walk up to the building you see that the building is flat but when you walk to the front to see the mural, it has a 3D effect and is truly beautiful.

Ordinary flat face building.
Amazing art looking like he is inserted into the building and standing on a protruding rock.


So remember that sometimes we all have our own agendas but those agendas must be thought on correctly so that we don’t overrun someone just because. And the “because’s” could have as many reason as there are sands on the beach.

I challenge you to remember the love and kindness God initially intended for all of us and that if we truly stand with Christ then we must remember to reflect His love, not our history. Let the love of Christ flow from you and reflect the graciousness He lavished on all of us and always be kind.



This morning I created a post about our love for our pets and made the comment that some dogs are smarter than some people. Now I am not saying that some people are stupid, but I am saying a lot of people don’t think about what they are doing which makes us call them stupid. I also made the comment that I didn’t have a picture explaining that phenomenon…now I do! And I thought I would share, mostly because this is the second time in two weeks this has happened. Really?!?

Driving intellegence.image
See the flashing lights at the top of the picture…yea…

Last week was even more…interesting…as a big ole truck hit the bridge, put on his flashers as a warning because he was now attached to the bridge…got run into from  behind…because basically he was a parked truck…really?!!?

Yea…dogs seem smarter than some people.

So remember while it is not kind to say people are stupid, it is not unkind to say people don’t think two feet of where they are going. So extra kindness needs to go forth to some people…to keep you from slapping them. God can only do so much when we refuse to use the intelligence he gave us.

So let us work extra hard at being kind especially when you have to shake your head. Some people really need it.



Things That Make Me Smile

When I have days like to day that get so busy with other stuff and I get nothing on ‘my list’ completed, I get refreshing relief by going to Pinterest and looking at the various animal categories and scripture categories and get my head back in to the correct groove as it were. Therapy was a beast but I have much improved  mobility and only one week left, so that is a plus. The handyman didn’t show so the new curtains and rod are on the floor. I can do that but was trying not to have to climb on a ladder just yet. So that was a bum. Rearranged my living room and got my plants in a position to get outside as soon as the weather stays above 65. So all in all a good day.  While we always seem to attribute good days as God being there for us, in reality He is always there for us. Especially on the dark days when we can not see His hand. I saw this picture today and it made me smile so I thought I would pass it on.

God's love1
I do, I do

Love, what a wonderful word and there are so many forms of love. I wrote a post back in November giving my perspective on just how much God loves us but in reality it can not really be measured. But God doles out love to all who will accept it in all of His creation. Man has the notion that he is superior because of his analytical abilities. I wonder sometimes if that is an admirable attribute when it get so badly misused. Scripture tells us the LOVE is the key. There are well over 100 verses in the bible that involve teaching us about love. Why do we have to be taught about love when it is given so freely to us because he loved us first. Think on that for a minute but don’t over think it with your analytical mind. There are picture after picture of the animal kingdom showing great strides of tender compassionate love to their own kind and sometimes to a totally different specie. Our human minds have a hard time getting around that and we gawk at it in surprise when we see it. I feel sometime we are the silly ones. Its very simple to me, but I am a simple person. 1st – God is love. 2nd – God freely gives that love to His creation 3rd- we in  turn are supposed to share that love. Its a circle. This picture I found shows true devoted love between several family members.

God's love
Nurturing, devoted and tender love

Wonder what it is going to be like in Heaven when we all understand what real love is and how to use it with out out analytical minds getting in the way. Then we can use the analytical minds that he gave us as a gift to further His purposes like it was meant to be.

And with love in mind, try to always be kind. Its as much a part of love as love itself.



Value of Old

To the many gifted photographers who pictures I admire and will periodically use, I thank you for you fabulous gift.  It allows us in this blogging world to use them for the expansion of our imagination by taking them yet to another medium.  Today’s picture came from Jansenphoto of Dutch Goes the Photo on Living in a Square World . Coming from grandparents that had farms, the pictures really struck me one in particular.  Go check out his work and enjoy my take on his picture.


Old milk bucket



It’s just an old milk can, some people would say,

But what if it could talk and tell of its day.

It would tell of its stories when the farm ran strong,

Amazing in it wonders for days were so long.

It sits in the yard now, its value no longer needed

As time and life march by, it’s worth totally unheeded.

Is this all there is to be, it wonders in dismay

As metal begins to flake and the rust eats away.

In same manner of this can, is this how we treat man?

As he begins to decline and struggles to stand.

How sad are we, who deftly refuse to see

The profound value of life, regardless of it’s age to be

To understand its wisdom and love still to give

So that the young may learn, for a better life to live.


As we all go through this life, remember it is all a cycle. So remember to be kind through your cycle so that hopefully the cycle will in turn be kind to you.



Burning Feet

Go Dog Go Cafe writing prompt for Tuesday’s Challenge is : Describe about a recent world event without saying what the event actually was.

Their feet were hot with the souls of their boots literally melting with each step. The jungle of broken concrete  and iron beams made it difficult to walk as the hopeless search for life continued. The billowing smoke raised ever higher shrouding where the building once stood but now lay in melted heap as the acrid smell of jet fuel still filled the air. The search dogs were horrified as this scene did not match their training. They were supposed to be able to find life but none was to be found and the sadness for man and beast alike would be a long time healing, if at all.

As humans, we show our best likeness to God when we show compassion and kindness to those affected by tragic and desperate times. Remember to be kind.




Kindness As A Goal

In all of my post I ask all readers to remember kindness to others. It is the easiest and most difficult thing you could do. The book of Galatians reminds us the effects of not being kind in Galatians 5:15 – “If you bite and devour each other, beware as you will destroy each other.” But then in vs 22 the list of good attributes of following the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, KINDNESS, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. And again in Colossians 3:12 -“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, KINDNESS, humility, gentleness and patience.”

All of these commands come straight from the heart – God’s heart. And it is passed down to us for us to share with others in reflecting God’s precious love.

I ran across this posting the other day, not knowing who wrote it but I wanted to share it with you to remind you  no matter how small an act of kindness you share, it makes a very large mark on life.

Your kindness always matters

So I ask you to leave fingerprints of kindness where ever you go and help the world to smile.

smile 2

Me, My & Myself…#JusJoJan#8

How can you write about yourself. With Ritu calling today’s prompt from Linda’s Just Jot January prompt, she chose “self “as our prompt word to write about.

I fully agree with Linda’s take as self is many parts of you. So for self I chose to write about my alter ego self of Skeeter C. As a face painter, Skeeter does functions with the church, community and PUNCH to help promote kindness and the love of Christ.

skeeter at work
Skeeter C. Clown

Skeeter has an alter ego herself that is Scatter C but I don’t have pictures of her. Scatter likes to go to hospitals and visit those who will tolerate her scatter brained self. She really was standing behind the door when the brains were handed out. Oh my, that was not a kind thing to say. Sometimes truth hurts, Sorry Scatter. Both selfs like to promote kindness, gentleness and encouragement. Having been on the opposite end of those attributes more times than they cared for they can really see the value of kindness and how if everyone could be kind there is an opportunity to engulf the world and maybe soften the hurt and sadness of it just a bit.

So I bid you, along with Skeeter C and Scatter C to be kind. If we can turn more frowns upside down and put more sparkles into those sad eyes, think how much fun that would be. Oh, and the “C” in their name stands for Christ as He is the center of what they do.



What a exciting word Debbie Smyth has challenged us with for One Word Sunday. I don’t really have my own pictures but tomorrow promises to be a new day so I thought I would join in. New means a fresh start, replacement of something old or broken or the beginning a whole different adventure. For me its a whole NEW adventure or job as it were. Last February I retired from 40 years of quality control and management of the manufacturing process. A much needed and well deserved rung of my latter but of late, even though I have fully enjoyed my writing and my new found friends across the world, something was still lacking. So when my church asked me if I would be interested in being the secretary for the church, I thought about it for a while and then said yes. Going from standing the firm line on making sure the manufacturing process was correct to answering the phone and being gentle like the previous secretary was may be a bit of a challenge. While I have always been a strong proponent of always being kind, now I have to add gentle into the equation.

Can it be done

So as I start my new chapter( its only part time) I will have to add a reminder not only to be kind but to also be gentle. That also is a fruit of the spirit mentioned in scripture.

gentle 1



Master of …, #JusJojan

It’s a word than dons power or specialty as in “master of my house” or “jack of all trades and master of none”; then in golf there is the Masters Tournament each spring in Augusta Ga. or in biblical times and even up to current times there is the master/slave relationships of people. For today’s Jot in January we are following Linda and Sadje’s prompt of master and since it is also a Sunday my mind went only in one direction – The Master.

It is my belief that all people follow. Even those that lead, follow. They follow what they believe to be the truth according to their own priorities and these priorities are gain by things they have lived through and assessed to be the truth in their hearts and mind. And  that truth is their master.

Look at all the good and bad leaders of this world we have seen thus far. They lead from their hearts and were able to convince others that his/her priorities were correct and true until someone else came along with a better idea of what they believe to be true. I think in each person’s heart, whether it be for mastering his own life or mastering the hearts of a nation, it starts with being true to what he believes as the truth and that therein is the root of the problem.

In  John 18:37, Jesus explains to Pontius Pilate that he is the witness of the truth where Pilate retorted “What is truth”. Philippians 4:8 reminds us that “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on such things.”

In my opinion when you take life and boil it down to the stickiness left in the bottom of the pan there are only two defining truths and therefore two defining masters – the Masters of Good and Evil and who those Masters are. You can walk in the gray matter between the two for a while but there will be a day where a choice will need to be made. The first choice you have to make and that choice will decide your direction of choices is do you even believe there really is a Good Master and Evil Master.

My beliefs are there is definitely a Good Master and an Evil being that wants to be a master but has already lost. He is just going to take as many as he can away from the Good Master through his trickery and lying by deceiving those into believing the Good Master is not the truth. The choice is intimately up to each individual as he searches for his own truth and that which makes him happy.

The choice


Everything we do in life is a choice and my hope is that more of us choose the Good Master as he will bring to us the love, tenderness and kindness we are all so hungry for.




Grandma’s Fixins, JusJoJan, #SCoS

Linda’s Stream of Conscious Saturday combined with today’s Just Jot January had some interesting vowel twist of sap/sep/sip/sop/sup. So I thought I would play a little with some flash fiction. Come join us for some fun and interest as we try to meet today’s challenge.

Grandma’s Fixins

The screen door slammed as Jerry entered the kitchen sniffing the air of fresh backing cornbread just coming out of the oven.


Sup, grandma. Smells great in here.”

Sup? All that education you have had and that’s the way you talk.” 

“Sorry. Good afternoon Grandmother. How are you this fine evening?” he teased pecking her on the cheek.

“Hmp, now you are just being ridiculous,” she said as she sipped in her tea. “There is sweet tea in the fridge and get out the syrup so it can be warming up a bit.”

Reaching in the fridge, he pulled out the bottle of Georgia Cane Syrup made by Johnson’s farm at the southern part of the state. He poured himself a large glass of tea and came to sit at the table across from his grandmother as she finished slathering butter of the steaming ears of corn. Reading of the bottle of syrup he noted the date on the back label.

“Does syrup get old?” he asked.

“No, why do you ask?” she said.

“It’s got a date on the label.”

“Oh, that’s a best used date, before it starts to separate,” she explained.


She stopped with her hand on her hips and stared at her grandson. “Have you learned nothing from me and this farm? What is syrup made from?”

A gleam lit in his eyes knowing a good banter was in the making. “Well that depends. You have maple syrup where they pull sap from a tree, boil it down to make syrup.”

He glanced up to see the good natured scowl deepen on her brow.

“We don’t grow maple trees here in the south. We grow cane. Your grandpa had 2 full acres ever year before he passed. The sugar cane juice, sap, is boiled down as the cane is crushed. If you let it sit too long on the shelf it will turn to sugar crystals – separate. Here, take your plate and grab you some field peas and greens from the stove. Pork chops, corn and cornbread are already here on the table. How big a piece of cornbread do you want?”

“Normal size for now,” he said.  “Then I will get a bigger slice to sop up remaining juices on my place before I add the syrup.”

“Yea, that’s the best part of the meal,” agreed Grandma as they settled in to a warm enjoyable meal.

Growing up in the late 1900’s gave a different meaning to the family meal. It was a time for fun shared over good food, teasing to help you grow with lots of assurance of love and togetherness.  We seem to have lost that as we are rushing to the next battle to conquer. A lot of the encouragement has been lost and we find ourselves at times not knowing exactly what the next step needs to be. So I challenge you this year to try to regain some of that back. Love on you family members and friends and encourage each other. And as always…remember to be kind. Even when drawing a hard line if needed, it cane be done with love, encouragement and KINDNESS.
