Holiday’s Can Be Hard

I love the holidays. I have been so blessed to be able to share this love with friends and family. But if you have recently lost someone, the holidays can be really hard. This post goes out to all of you who may have recently lost a loved ones this year, or even several years ago making the holidays hard to get through. This was a poem with author unknown but it was posted on Facebook  by a dear friend and coworker and I thought it needed sharing.  My heart goes out to all of you.

My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below,

With tiny lights, like Heaven’s stars, reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear,

For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,

But the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas Choir up here.

I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,

For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,

But I am not so far away. We really aren’t apart.

So be happy for me dear ones. You know I hold you dear,

And be glad I’m spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.

I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above,

I send you each a memory of my undying love.

After all LOVE is a gift, more precious than pure gold,

It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other, as my father said to do,

For I can’t count the blessings or love he has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear,

Remember, I am spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.

-Author Unknown-


Remember those who are hurting this year and give them an extra hug of kindness.

Kind light

Fandango’s Question as a 1 Liner

Today’s Provocative Question from Fandango ties right in with a possible 1 liner from Linda Hill.

Would you be willing to give up everything you have if you could go back and start your life all over again? Why or why not?

The answer is No. It is our past that makes our present.  Scripture tells us that through our trials we gain strength and preserver onward. While trials, problem or difficulties we may come across can be hard we have a choice – we own it or it owns us. I chose to be the owner and through the grace of God, preserver.

If you live in the US, may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you do not then have a wonderful week and may you remember to always be kind.

kindness warmth


Picture it…

Picture a favorite beach scene. You are sitting relaxed in the loose sand dunes just above the beach. The sun has warmed the sand and it tickles as it shifts through your toes. The sound of the turf is melodic as it pounds on the beach. The seagulls are calling each other as they slowly fly through the gentle breeze, that same breeze that brushes across your face. You inhale and you can almost taste the salt of the warm sea air that you are smelling.

Can you picture it?

Not big on the beach? Then picture the soft tranquility of a mountain stream. You are sitting on a felled tree that is now becoming a bench for anyone on the trail. The stream beside you is bubbling along the rocks as it heads though the forest to the nearest river. The clean air is as refreshing and clear as the water in the stream is cold to the taste. In front of you off in the distance are the mountains, maybe their tops are dusted with snow. The sweet smell of the evergreens is pungent and reminds you of Christmas. Over head a lone eagle floats with little movement as he soars of the updrafts.

mtn stream
Can you picture it?

Maybe you are not a nature lover? Maybe your enjoyment comes with an evening of dinner and beautiful music at an outdoor park. The smells of various foods wafting in the air mixed with warm summer night as the stars slowly begin to show their presence. Soft conversations with strangers around you creates friendships of similar interest. The orchestra or band is warming up their instruments for a night of expected pleasures.

food & music
Can you picture it?

Then picture this…..


You are sitting in a dark room.

There is no sound because you are deaf…

There is nothing to see because you are blind…

There is little to smell if anything because you have no reference to what smell is…

There is little to touch as your body has no sense of feel due to being paralyzed.

Senses…Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste & Touch…Gifts from God for us to enjoy His mighty creation. If all of your sense are working, praise God and enjoy these gifts. If you know those who are missing one or more of these senses, then share with them the beauty of what they don’t have so that through the senses that they do have working, they can get a glimpse of its beauty.

And remember as you enjoy your gifts, to share the joy that they bring you with others in hopes they may understand the beauty of it and share it themselves with others. And always remember to be kind. Kindness is enveloped in all of there gifts.



Benefits & Fun With Math, #SoCS

I have never been that good with word problems but I still enjoyed them. But plays on the algebraic system or physic system of cause and effect have always be an interest. We use it daily, with our kids – If you do…then things will not be so rosy for you.  And we use it in our jobs, with friends and sometimes how we assess a situation in deciding if we really want to have a rosy outcome or a non-rosy outcome depending on what may or may not happen. Fun aspects of math. So I saw this equation on Facebook and thought I would share it. It made me chuckle but it is also profoundly true.

Coincidence or Reality?

We have 26 letter in the English alphabet and if you assign each with a number 1 though 26, you get a picture like this – (I need pictures, it helps my brain work.)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 96   (Good High Number)                                                   K      N     O     W      L    E    D   G    E           (That’s cool right?)

8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 11 = 98       (An even higher number)                                            H   A     R     D    W     O      R      K               (Interesting – so is Hard work is better that smarts?  I don’t think so. You need both.

The kicker to the equation deals more with where your mind is than your smarts:

1 +  20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100     (An even higher number)                                             A     T       T     I      T     U      D   E         (Yep, that will win every time)

Final analysis of this equation = while hard work and knowledge will get you places, without the proper attitude you will get nowhere. So keep your attitude ROSY. Rosy attitudes will get the task at hand done with less stress and leave room at the end of the equation to go the extra step like…being kind. Always remember in all the you do, regardless of the difficulty of your current equation, kindness will be like butter and smooth it all out.



Linda G Hill has challenged us today to use the work Rosy with Stream of Consciousness Saturday, so come on along and join in on the fun.

Friendship vs. Companionship, JusJoJan

In looking up the meanings of these terms, they seem to be pretty much the same per Webster. But to me there is a different emotional attachment for companionship. To me companionship requires a heartfelt emotional connection between to bodies. The bodies can be the same specie or different specie. The animal world is forever showing us this  emotional connection of companionship in various ways.

People can have many friends but only a few they call true friends or companions that they can share heart felt concerns, fears, joys or tears. We have drinking buddies or ice cream buddies who will hear all of our concerns and just nod at appropriate times to assure us it will be OK. Then they lock away that information and never dare share it. Loyal companions. We all need them. Man has to have someone or something to talk to. Remember the movie with Tom Hanks, Cast Away. He cut his hand and with his blood made a face on a soccer ball and called him Wilson, because that was who made the ball. God made us to have companions.

Mine sits beside me on the sofa as I type, sometime snoring loudly.

loyal friend

But she listens to every word, gets very concerned when my voice get upset then comes and stands protectively across my lap. It makes football very difficult to watch.

dog love3

What or whoever is your companion is cherish that companionship. They really are few and far between in our lives and most needed. And companionship requires kindness, sometimes extra kindness, so remember to be kind. While your companion may out of hurt be unkind, do not return in favor. Show your inner strength and be strong and kind.

Be a good companion

Today’s prompt from Linda on Just Jot January is being supplied by Di. And the word is companionship. Come join in on the fun.




































Some Smarter Than Others, #JusJoJan & #1LinerWed

Sad confession of NOT always understanding prompts  confused and it taking me nearly 3 months to get that #1LinerWed means ONE LINE…

so since I should obey the rules finally, it will be long as I must remind also for everyone to always be kind.


OK, so I am breaking the rule again but I need to introduce the wonderful people who make prompts for us to play with mins; Linda G Hill with JJJ2019  & #1LinerWed