White, a Positive Color, Weekly Prompt

Today is June 1, the start of a new month. When we think of starting anew as it were we feel we can start with a clean slate. The weekly prompts is a continuation on with the monthly color challenge and June is the color of “white”. Appropriate color as June brides dress are usually white but out of a day of total relaxing I took the time for a little research.

White is a color of innocence or purity. It is also a color for completion, as in finishing one status and wiping the slate clean for newness. I think of the biblical purity or cleansing purity associated with white. Psalm 51:7 states – Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. But we also think of things in heaven as white like the robes of pure white, angels as being white, God or Jesus being in white. White is a positive color.

In the manufacturing word of plastic injection molding, some people don’t realize that white is actually a color. You have to add white color beads to get white product. White is not the absence of color, it is actually a color.

But for me today, as the sun is in its 3 rd day of shining, my flowers are finally reaching out to the beauty of the light and are showing off a bit. Below are my white blooms.

I am joining in with SueW and GC to play with the weekly prompt for June and white color.

Photo Challenge White

So join in with us and show of you ideas, thoughts or pictures on white. And in closing as I like to do, I encourage you to be kind. Kindness through a gentle smile can brighten someone’s day.

kind smile



Adult Coloring, gc Weekly Prompts

What an interesting prompt today from gc. Adult coloring books have been an interest of mine for a couple of years. Linda G Hill does a monthly adult coloring prompt that shows a lot of different talent as well. For Christmas this year my daughter gave me a different version of adult coloring books, an etching book.

You use the wooden tool on the side

The premises is opposite of adding color as you are scraping away black. The page has a design already made and depending on how much of the black you scrape away gives the page your own touch. There are guidelines like the one below but after I did the first one, well, I kinda do my own thing.

Before and after sample page

The contrast of the black background really makes the colors pop. This next photo is probably one of my favorites so far, as I am partial to butterflies.

Butterflies are special

If you pull just a touch outside the lines of given shape, you get a contrasting color which highlights the shape. I found this by accident and really liked what it did to add depth to the item. I also received new regular adult coloring books to play with and yes the do help pull the stress out of you, at lease they do for me. I keep mine by my bed for nights when the brain will not turn off. I highly recommend them if you haven’t tried them. Plus they are just fun.

And in closing, as I do with all of my post, I remind all of the immeasurable value of kindness. It could be the very spark for someone’s dark day to help them see the day’s beautiful light.

Be someone’s spark



Patience, Weekly Word Prompt

Patience is a hard to obtain word when you are faced with various challenges. I remember as a young mom praying for patience with my over active ADD child only to open my eyes in time enough to see him sitting in the middle of the dining room table turning the sugar bowl on it side to watch the cascade of sugar spill onto the table.

full bowl on the table

I learned quickly not to pray for patience but have learned as I have gotten older to appreciate patience in others as well as myself. It is an acquired attribute. In August of last year, most of you know I started a process of corrective bone alignment surgery in my feet. Left foot first, then in November the right foot. Being in  your 60’s is not a good time to learn how to walk again but it is what  I have had to do with much patience. And slowly we are getting there but I am still using a cane to assure balance.  Hopefully by February we can be done with it but I am not going to rush it. Most people are very respectful of a gray haired old lady with a cane and I will patiently plug along until I feel comfortable making a full stride.

So thank you to all those who have cheered me on. By spring I should be able to “have camera will travel” and participate in some of the fun photo challenges I see here on word press. And thanks to gc for the fun word and the great prompt to share.

So in closing as the word prompt says – patience – try to show some and have some. And in all things that  you do, try to be KIND. Your kind gesture may the the spark of sunshine someone needs to help them get through the day.


Advent Continues, Weekly Prompts

GC and Sue W have created a prompt that is so up my alley.  The joys and traditions surrounding Christmas are my most favorite of the year. See their prompt below to join in on the fun and share your photos.


For me and my daughter, we start preparing the week before Thanksgiving but this year we started the 1st week on November as I was due for surgery the second week and I was not going to miss out on my decorating. We are also major college football fans, so every year there is an off weekend where our team does not play. That is the designated day for Christmas decoration shopping day. Sometimes we find something and sometime we don’t but it has become a yearly tradition we look forward to with love and fond memories.

When I decided to move from the deep south to the midwest for a new job, my daughter wanted to come. He job was going nowhere and her last relationship had crashed and burned. So we moved together. We were fortunate to find the perfect house with a walk out basement and a kitchen on both floors. So she is downstairs where it stays cooler to her liking and I am upstairs. Close to each other but separated as well.

My daughter and I are both suffers of the same…”illness?!?” – YCHTMC – An acronym for “You Can’t Have Too Much Christmas”.

Upstairs I have are 3 full size trees and 3 table trees. Down stairs my daughter has 3 smaller full size trees and 1 table tree.

Dining Room Tree / Village
Living Room Tree
Bedroom Tree with Santa and Chris Moose

Below are the downstairs trees in her large living area.

I have 6 multiple pieced nativity sets in  various styles, colors and sizes with many single unit nativity scenes.

My biggest set has individual lights for each house and my smallest is actually a fountain.

My daughter has 2 multiple pieced nativity sets and several single unit scenes.The reason I have more is I have been doing it longer. It is a sickness I inherited from my mother and I have several ornaments that were hers. It is a family affair. With my sons, their wives keep them in check.

I am also an angel collector and most of those stay out year round; they just get located in a different location allowing other and numerous table decorations. Plus there is the village that grew this year and now has a section located in a different spots which houses the country scenes and the Christmas tree village.


There are traditional decorations, whimsical decorations and some just silly decorations but laughter and the love of Christ is what Christmas is to me. Through November I have displayed some of my pictures so I will repost a few but you are interested you can review my other post from November.

I sincerely hope you all have a marvelous Christmas regardless of your religious affiliation. It is a season of love hope and caring and we must always be considerate and kind to each other, especially at this season. There are many hurting during this time of year and will need and extra hand of kindness shared with them so please share kindness when you can.

Enjoy my love and fun of the season.